Engineering Works
The footpath work is coming on great but will take at least another month to get it near to finished. The picture, left, shows the path that has been cleared and edged ready for the dolomite infill.
The Borough Engineers visited the site and were very concerned about the top lake and the trickle down ( small waterfall ) . It looks like the top lake is leaking out but not over the trickle down but through the ground around it and the bridge. They are concerned that it might at sometime cause the land to move, which would be disastrous for the lake . A major engineering solution is being put in place that will mean a new trickle down being constructed, stabalising of the hillside and a type of dam built in the lake at the top of the trickle down.
In the wood chippings that we spread around the path near West Beck Way, there is a large colony of fungi sprouting up, they look like Yellow Fieldcap, pictured right.
Lots of plants are starting to flower now, Herb Robert and Herb bennet are appearing as well as Cuckoo Flower ( Lady's Smock ) in the damper areas near the lakes.
They are lots of Orange Tip butterflies around and also a Holly Blue was present this week in the brilliant sunshine .
Holly Blue Butterfly.