Fairy Dell

Monday, February 27, 2006

Work day

There was quite a lot of work going on down the Dell today. The logging team was back with their chipper, making short work of the branches that had been cleared earlier.

The chipper was moved along the pathways dumping piles of chippings ready to be spread along the paths to provide a temporary surface until the hardcore paths are put down.

The pathways have had a real hard time of it this winter with a lot of water and hard use by the horses during the logging but hopefully the use of these chippings will make walking the paths a lot easier for now.

A work party from the Friends Group turned up to prepare the plots that are going to be used for planting the bulbs on our first public task day. We are providing bulbs for people to come along on Saturday 4th March and see the Dell and plant some bulbs .

Spring is definately springing in the Dell, apart from the singing of the Great Tits , Blue Tits and Robins, the plants are pushing through, with the first signs of Dogs Merecury and Cellandine.

Pictured left is a photo of Dogs Mercury taken this morning in the Dell. This plant is an indicator of ancient woodland, which the Dell is. The woodland along the beck valleys around this area where kept to provide sport for the local landowner

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

A Snake Bridge

A snake appeared overnight across the beck. It has been carved out of a fallen tree and makes not only a good sculpture but a nice bridge.

There are a couple more trunks that have been cut, so we will wait to see what appears next !

The birds in the Dell were in full voice today, mainly Great Tits and Blue Tits again. The hybrid Mallard was on the top lake again, I think these ducks are tame ones from Stewart Park, they swim over whenever anyone appears ! those down on the bottom lake keep away.