There be Dragons !

The Sculptor, Steve Iredale, has made an excellent small dragon that has proved a great hit with everyone I've talked to down at the Dell.
It has been such a talking point that the dog walkers from the Dell Park have been coming down to the beck walks to view it.
There was a very hard frost this morning which left the top lake frozen.
A Great Spotted Woodpecker could be heard hammering very loud over on the west side of the lower lake, a scan of the beech trees found it at the top of a well holed thick branch.
These Beeches are a favourite for our woodpeckers in the Dell and are where you are most likely to see them, this one was a male ( red on back of head )
There are a lot of buds on the trees and the catkins are well developed on the Hazel and Alder and lots of birds are singing, is spring here ? is it earlier this year ?
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